We will give a summary on the status of H-mode studies on W7-AS stella
rator. The major H-mode characteristics compare well with those known
from the tokamak H-mode. All major characteristics of the H-mode are r
eproduced: The transition is spontaneous above a power and density thr
eshold; particle and energy confinement improve simultaneously; a tran
sport barrier at the edge develops with steep pressure gradients and E
LMs appear; small scale fluctuations are strongly reduced and the deve
lopment of a radial electric field is indicated by increased perpendic
ular impurity flow velocity. The temporal development of the transitio
n seems to be distinctively slower than in tokamaks. The H-mode can be
initiated by ECRH or NBI, respectively. The power threshold can be sm
aller than that of tokamaks. With ECRH, the density threshold is found
to increase with heating power. The H-mode develops in small windows
of the accessible iota range. These operational islands are characteri
sed by a negative electric field already prior to the H-mode and a dis
tinct maximum in space potential at the separatrix.