The solid-liquid two phase flow influences on the properties of materi
als such as the semi-solid metals or the particulate reinforced metal
matrix composites. Therefore the flow phenomena of water-polystyrene m
ixture with high fraction solid in a suddenly enlarged cavity were exa
mined. The mixture in an airtight vessel was ejected vertically into t
he cavity by increasing the internal pressure of the vessel. The shape
of free surface of the mixture became more stable with increasing fra
ction solid. The main reason of suppressing the disturbance of the fre
e surface is not the increase of the mean relative viscosity but the i
ncrease of fraction solid of the region near the free surface. The con
centration of particles decreased at the center of rotary motion in th
e early stages of filling and at the boundary between the rising parti
cles and the piled-up particles, which existed above filling ingate. I
t was the inertial force of particles that held the low-concentration
region at the center of rotation. The low-concentration region above t
he ingate is caused by the collision of particles.