The focus of the present study was twofold: (a) to examine the differe
nces between children from maritally violent homes who witnessed marit
al violence and those who were both witnesses as well as victims of ab
use; and (b) to determine the best predictors of child abuse among mar
itally violent families. Participants included 184 children, ages 7 to
13, and their mothers who were residing at battered women shelters. C
ompared to children who witnessed interparental violence, children who
were both witnesses as well as victims of physical abuse scored signi
ficantly higher on externalizing behavior problems. A stepwise logisti
cal regression analysis identified numerous predictors of child abuse
among maritally violent families. These included a greater frequency a
nd severity of marital violence, less marital satisfaction, and a poor
er quality of father-child relationship as perceived by the children.
In addition, children from families where child abuse occurred were mo
re likely to exhibit aggressive behavior problems than children who on
ly witnessed marital violence.