In order to study how the human brain acquires, records, and recalls t
he relationships that comprise the images of human memory, our laborat
ory initiated a research strategy more than two decades ago. The strat
egy began with the hypothesis that the complex patterns of human memor
y are constructed from numerous simple relationships that are distribu
ted over sensory space in our experience. This hypothesis further prop
osed that repeatable fundamental network architectures are distributed
over brain structures to create internal images of our external and i
nternal sensory experience. Based on this hypothesis, the first elemen
t of our research strategy was to (1) identify fundamental network arc
hitectures that learn and remember simple associative relationships su
ch as those of Pavlovian conditioned responses; (2) demonstrate that t
he network biophysical and biochemical mechanisms of associative learn
ing and memory in fundamental network architectures are conserved acro
ss species as diverse as those of snails, rabbits, and other mammals;
(3) demonstrate that conserved memory mechanisms are targets of pathol
ogic involvement in a human disease characterized by memory loss such
as early Alzheimer's disease; (4) and derive mathematical and logical
descriptions of the functions of biological associative network archit
ectures during learning and memory. These descriptions would then be u
sed to design artificial neural networks that would be implemented wit
hin computer programs. Observations demonstrating the plausibility of
this research strategy are presented and discussed.