C. Gelinas et al., CONJUGAL ADJUSTMENT - THE ROLE OF ATTRIBU TIONS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS, Canadian journal of behavioural science, 27(1), 1995, pp. 21-35
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between attr
ibutions, psychological distress and marital adaptation. The sample is
made up of 124 couples from the Province of Quebec. Results show that
the attributions of causality, responsibility and blame directed towa
rds a partner are negatively linked to marital adaptation. As well, th
e more spouses report symptoms of depression, anxiety, aggressiveness
and problems of a cognitive nature, the lower their degree of marital
adaptation is found to be. Simultaneous contributions of these two gro
ups of variables, attributional and symptomological, show that the wif
e's anxiety, depression and cognitive problems are associated to her d
egree of marital adaptation. In addition, causality attributions formu
lated by the husband, as well as his symptoms of depression, constitut
e variables linked to the wife's marital adaptation. This simultaneous
examination also reveals that depression, causality and blame attribu
tions of the husband are linked to his degree of adaptation to married
life. Finally, causality attributions formulated by the wife, as well
as her degree of aggressiveness and depression are associated to the
degree of marital adaptation of the husband.