This article develops a survey design where the questionnaire is split
into components and individuals are administered the varying subsets
of the components. A multiple imputation method for analyzing data fro
m this design is developed, in which the imputations are created by ra
ndom draws from the posterior predictive distribution of the missing p
arts, given the observed parts by using Gibbs sampling under a general
location scale model. Results from two simulation studies that invest
igate the properties of the inferences using this design are reported.
In the first study several random split questionnaire designs are imp
osed on the complete data from an existing survey collected using a lo
ng questionnaire, and the corresponding data elements are extracted to
form split data sets. Inferences obtained using the complete data and
the split data are then compared. This comparison suggests that littl
e is lost, at least in the example considered, by administering only p
arts of the questionnaire to each sampled individual. The second simul
ation study reports on the investigation of the efficiency of the spli
t questionnaire design and the robustness of the estimates to the dist
ributional assumptions used to create imputations. In this study sever
al complete and split data sets were generated under a variety of dist
ributional assumptions, and the imputations for the split data sets we
re created assuming the normality of the distributions. The sampling p
roperties of the point and interval estimates of the regression coeffi
cient in a particular logistic regression model using both the complet
e and split data sets were compared. This comparison suggests that the
loss in efficiency of the split questionnaire design decreases as the
correlation among the variables that are within different parts incre
ases. The proposed multiple imputation method seems to be sensitive to
the skewness and relatively insensitive to the kurtosis, contrary to
the assumed normality of the distribution for the observables.