The Southern Hemisphere conifer family Araucariaceae has a very restri
cted present day distribution, but was more widespread in the past The
genus Araucaria is represented by good fossil material in both hemisp
heres as early as the Jurassic, while Agathis is only known from the S
outhern Hemisphere beginning in the Cretaceous. Cuticle studies of ext
ant araucarians have enabled accurate comparisons of fossil leaves to
living taxa. Araucaria Section Bunya is represented by cones of severa
l types in the Jurassic. In addition to these remains, a suite of arau
carian cones showing affinities to several sections of the genus Arauc
aria have been described from England, Japan and North America. Eviden
ce that fossil araucarian cones may have produced seeds with hypogeal
germination is discussed in light of recent work on germination of ext
ant bunya seedlings and the discovery of new fossil shoots from the Ju
rassic Morrison Formation of Utah.