The present study was conducted to determine if there is a neurophysio
logical correlate of marihuana-induced good effects or euphoria. Three
groups of 6 male occasional marihuana smokers were prepared for elect
roencephalographic (EEG) recording and smoked either placebo or marihu
ana cigarettes containing 1.26% or 2.53% Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol
(Delta(9)-THC) in a controlled laboratory setting. Using a continuous
ly available non-verbal joystick device and a questionnaire, subjects
reported changes in their subjective mood state while EEG activity was
continuously recorded. Subjects reported multiple episodes of intense
good effects or euphoria during the first 15 min after marihuana. The
se episodes of euphoria occurred while plasma Delta(9)-THC levels were
rapidly rising. EEG alpha power during these discrete episodes of eup
horia was significantly higher suggesting that these transient EEG cha
nges may reflect a neurophysiological correlate of the reinforcing eff
ects of marihuana.