Objective: To assess whether a relationship exists between follicular
fluid (FF) angiotensin II (AII) concentration and pregnancy outcome or
earlier fecundity parameters and whether correlations exist among FF
AII concentrations and P, E2, T, androstenedione (A), or various ratio
s of these. Design: Retrospective study in which hormone concentration
s in FF samples were measured. Setting: In vitro fertilization clinic-
Assisted Reproductive Technology Program, Rush Medical Center. Patient
s: Twenty-six female patients underwent ovarian stimulation for IVF. I
ntervention: Leuprolide acetate was combined with hMG and FSH for ovar
ian stimulation. Main Outcome Measure: Follicular fluid aspirates were
collected and oocytes were recovered 34 to 36 hours after hCG injecti
on. The patients proceeded to undergo IVF and ET. Follicular fluid hor
mones were measured using standard RIA. Angiotensin II and steroid hor
mone concentrations in FF were compared for pregnant versus nonpregnan
t women using the Student's t-test and rank-sum test. Pearson multiple
-correlation analysis was performed to calculate correlation coefficie
nts among AII concentrations and steroid concentrations in FF aspirate
s. Results: Mean FF concentration of AII was significantly lower in sa
mples from women showing clinical pregnancies (112.2 +/- 13.9 pg/mL [1
07.3 +/- 13.3 pmol/L]) compared with samples from women who did not ac
hieve pregnancy (217.1 +/- 23.8 pg/mL [207.5 +/- 22.7 pmol/L]) (mean /- SE). A negative correlation was observed between FF concentrations
of AII and P. Correlations of AII with E2, T, A, or with ratios of the
se did not show significance. Conclusion: These data suggest that high
AII concentration at time of oocyte recovery may indicate poor pregna
ncy outcome in women undergoing ovarian stimulation for IVF. These dat
a corroborate previous results in animal models showing that AII predi
sposes follicles to undergo atresia-like conditions.