This overview of rural health cam today shows the role that internal m
edicine can and should play in delivering primary care to rural popula
tions. The American College of Physicians recommends changes to improv
e access to and delivery of primary care in rural areas. There are six
specific recommendations. 1. Implementing universal health care cover
age through a system that makes primary care equally affordable to rur
al populations. 2. Increasing the supply of primary care providers in
rural areas by lessening specialty and geographic differentials in phy
sician income. 3. Increasing the supply of primary care providers in r
ural areas by changing medical education to emphasize training enough
rural physicians. 4. Decreasing professional: isolation in rural areas
through accessible continuing medical education and through telecommu
nications technology. 5. Identifying tertiary care needs at the commun
ity level and using state and federal funds to assist rural hospitals
where access to care would be threatened by hospital closure. 6. Using
innovative delivery systems that emphasize coordination and cooperati
on among providers, institutions, and communities.