Nineteen week-old male S5B/PlRas (S5B) rats were randomly assigned to
one of 4 groups as follows: (a) activity wheel access (running)/high f
at diet (RF); (b) no activity wheel access (non-running)/high fat diet
(NRF); (c) activity wheel access (running)/high carbohydrate diet (RC
); and (d) no activity wheel access (non-running)/high carbohydrate di
et (NRC) for the seven weeks duration of the experiment. Throughout th
e 7 wk of the experiment, rats ran more during subsequent weeks than t
hey did the previous week. RC rats ran more than RF rats as measured b
y the running slopes. All groups of rats lost weight at the initiation
of the experiment but significantly more weight was lost by running r
ats than their nonrunning counterparts. The inguinal, epididymal and p
erirenal/retroperitoneal (P/R) fat depots weighed significantly less i
n the running than in the nonrunning groups. From among the 3 fat depo
ts, the difference was greatest in the P/R depot. There were no diet o
r voluntary activity effects on plasma corticosterone concentrations e
xcept at week 2 when running rats had higher concentrations than nonru
nning rats.