At frequencies below 1 GHz, resonant sections of coaxial lines have lo
ng been used in CW-Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) with the samp
le placed at the position of maximum B-1 at a short circuited end. Her
e, we show that because of the excellent separation of the B and E fie
lds, the shield of the line can be removed in the region of the trunca
ted end without greatly perturbing the RF properties of the line. The
open region of the shield provides an aperture for local imaging in MR
I. The B-1 fields can be shaped by contouring the inner conductor and
outer shield, and the image aperture is controlled by the shape of the
shield cutout. The shield opening can range from a narrow longitudina
l slit up to a full 360 degrees section that has only a few conducting
strips of the shield remaining. Imaging with probes having shield dia
meters from 2 mm to 10 cm have been demonstrated. For imaging the usef
ul depth is limited to approximately three to four times the probe's o
uter radius. Alternately, a relatively sharp cutoff at only a mm depth
can be obtained by controlling the region of the shield removed, the
RF power applied, and the probe diameter. The probes described here ca
n be resonant or nonresonant. Because of the inherent broad bandwidth
of the nonresonant truncated line probes, they have the potential for
use in FT-EPR and FT-EPR imaging as well as other applications that re
quire minimizing dead times.