Small animal models of Streptococcus equi infection have been confined
to parenteral injection of mice which subsequently develop a septicae
mia. To devise a model of infection more closely resembling strangles,
4.9 x 10(6) cfu of S. equi were placed on the nares of C3H and Balb/c
mice (fifteen of each). Compared with ten uninfected controls, infect
ed mice sneezed more often and their daily weight gain was significant
ly reduced. Histopathological examination seven days after infection r
evealed varying degrees of nasopharyngeal and regional lymphoid pathol
ogy in twenty two mice. Eleven mice had an early or mild rhinitis in w
hich the nasal epithelium presented microabscesses containing polymorp
honuclear leucocytes. Another eleven mice had a suppurative rhinitis o
r pharyngitis associated in most with regional lymphadenitis; in two m
ice, abscessated lymph nodes had erupted into perinodal connective tis
sues. Two mice had a vestibular abscess. The suppurative rhinitis was
associated with extensive necrosis of nasal propria which occasionally
extended to conchal bone, resulting in osteomyelitis. Multiple bacter
ial abscesses were seen in the spleen of one mouse. Histological lesio
ns were not detected in control mice or in eight infected mice. S. equ
i was re-isolated from the nares of fourteen of the twenty two affecte
d mice but not from the eight unaffected challenged mice or control mi
ce. The close resemblance of this model to strangles in horses may jus
tify its further use for the investigation of pathogenesis and protect
ive immunity.