Objective: To review the results of lensectomies performed to remove v
isually significant cataracts in adults with regressed retinopathy of
prematurity, with special reference to postoperative vision and retina
l complications. Methods: A chart review of consecutive cases of catar
act extraction in eyes with visually significant lens opacities and re
gressed retinopathy of prematurity was conducted. Results: Fourteen co
nsecutive eyes with retinopathy of prematurity in 10 adult: patients w
ere identified as having undergone lensectomy to manage a visually sig
nificant cataract. These cataract extractions were performed between J
une 1970 and February 1993. There were eight women and two men aged 16
to 43 years at the time of lensectomy. A variety of lenticular opacit
ies were noted, the most common of which was nuclear sclerosis. Additi
onally, the nuclei were frequently much harder than would be expected
for the patient's age. Phacoemulsification with implantation of a post
erior chamber intraocular lens was the most common technique for catar
act extraction. Eight eyes experienced improvement in visual acuity. H
owever, when preoperative visual acuity was less than 20/200, postoper
ative acuity of 20/60 or better was uncommon. Six eyes were being trea
ted for glaucoma before lensectomy. Glaucoma control was facilitated a
fter lensectomy in six eyes. No combined cataract extraction and filte
ring procedures were performed. One eye developed a rhegmatogenous ret
inal detachment 76 months after cataract extraction. The retina was su
ccessfully reattached, but the eye suffered a substantial decrease in
visual acuity. Conclusion: Cataract extraction in adult patients with
retinopathy of prematurity may improve visual acuity, facilitate exami
nation and treatment of the posterior segment, and aid in the manageme
nt of glaucoma. The risk of retinal complications in these patients do
es not appear to be excessive.