In this paper a theory is formulated that predicts velocity and spatia
l correlations between occupation numbers that occur in lattice gas au
tomata violating semi-detailed balance. Starting from a coupled BBGKY
hierarchy for the n-particle distribution functions, cluster expansion
techniques are used to derive approximate kinetic equations. In zerot
h approximation the standard nonlinear Boltzmann equation is obtained;
the next approximation yields the ring kinetic equation, similar to t
hat for hard-sphere systems, describing the time evolution of pair cor
relations. The ring equation is solved to determine the (nonvanishing)
pair correlation functions in equilibrium for two models that violate
semi-detailed balance. One is a model of interacting random walkers o
n a line, the other one is a two-dimensional fluid-type model on a tri
angular lattice. The numerical predictions agree very well with comput
er simulations.