It is stated here that a symmetric matrix K is quasidefinite if it has
the form [GRAPHICS], where E and F are symmetric positive definite ma
trices. Although such matrices are indefinite, it is shown that any sy
mmetric permutation of a quasidefinite matrix yields a factorization L
DL(T). This result is applied to obtain a new approach for solving the
symmetric indefinite systems arising in interior-point methods for li
near and quadratic programming. These systems are typically solved eit
her by reducing to a positive definite system or by performing a Bunch
-Parlett factorization of the full indefinite system at every iteratio
n. This is an intermediate approach based on reducing to a quasidefini
te system. This approach entails less fill-in than further reducing to
a positive definite system, but is based on a static ordering and is
therefore more efficient than performing Bunch-Parlett factorizations
of the original indefinite system.