The pancreas is located deep within the retroperitoneum in the anterio
r pararenal space, The distal portion of the pancreatic tail extends a
long the course of the splenic artery and vein (Fig. I)and enters the
splenic hilum contained within the splenorenal ligament. Because of th
ese anatomic relationships, the spleen and splenic vessels may be invo
lved by pancreatitis, Although rare (frequency, 1-5%), splenic involve
ment by pancreatitis includes intrasplenic pseudocyst, abscess, hemorr
hage, infarction, splenic rupture, and vascular injury, Because these
complications can be life-threatening, the extent and course of the di
sease are closely monitored with CT to determine whether and when aggr
essive intervention is necessary to avoid catastrophic clinical outcom
es, The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the spectrum of CT find
ings in cases of pancreatitis with splenic involvement.