WE have studied the in vitro effects of neurokinin A (NKA) on anterior
pituitary GABA concentration and GABA release from the mediobasal hyp
othalamus and the neurointermediate lobe of male and ovariectomized fe
male (OVX) rats, NKA significantly decreased the anterior pituitary GA
BA concentration, while the presence of a specific anti-NKA serum in t
he incubation medium increased the GABA concentration in this gland. B
y contrast, NKA did not modify basal or K+-evoked GABA release from th
e mediobasal hypothalamus of male or OVX rats. However, NKA decreased
basal and K+-evoked GABA release from the neurointermediate lobe, Sinc
e GABA inhibits both prolactin (PRL) secretion from the anterior pitui
tary and the release of several putative PRL-releasing factors from th
e neurointermediate lobe, the decrease in anterior pituitary GABA conc
entration and the reduction in tubero-hypophyseal GABAergic activity i
nduced by NKA may contribute to the stimulatory effect of this peptide
on PRL secretion.