Geometric descriptors are becoming popular tools for encoding molecula
r shape, for use in database screening and clustering calculations. Th
ey provide condensed representations of complex objects and, as a cons
equence, can usually be compared quite rapidly. Here we present a numb
er of new descriptors and methods for the quantification of molecular
shape similarity. The techniques are tested using two different biolog
ical systems, with particular emphasis on their potential utility as m
ethods for prescreening shape-based database searches. Results are com
pared with data sets produced using the DOCK program. We find that suc
h similarity evaluations are useful for finding molecules with complem
entary shape, and that they contain an enriched number of potential DO
CK kits-when compared to the original databases. Significant limitatio
ns in the utility of such DOCK prescreens are discussed, and potential
solutions are considered.