Artificial intelligence, and expert systems in particular, are an exci
ting and relatively new application of computers. They provide new opp
ortunities for harnessing the scarce and often scattered pieces of val
uable knowledge and experience in solid waste management which at pres
ent is in the possession of the privileged few. While conventional alg
orithmic programming replaced much of the sophisticated and repetitive
analytical work of the solid waste practitioner, expert systems are p
oised to take over the no-less important tasks of the ill-structured a
nd less-deterministic parts of the planning, design and management pro
cesses. Endeavours in other branches of engineering to utilise this ne
w computing technology indicate that solid waste expertise in various
forms has a tremendous potential to be encoded successfully in expert
systems. This state-of-the-art review presents a background of expert
systems technology followed by guidelines to its successful implementa
tion in the solid waste management domain.