This paper investigates whether cued recall of multidimensional stimul
i is all-or-none, as predicted by the Fragmentation Hypothesis (Jones,
1976); or probabilistic, as is commonly assumed in models of associat
ive memory. To test this, composite stimuli were cued repeatedly, by e
ach of their attributes in turn, to see whether the patterns of recall
were consistent with all-or-none fragments. This test also requires a
model to account for the inconsistent patterns of recall which are to
be expected as a result of correct guessing. Of necessity, therefore,
this paper also investigates the nature of guessing to enable the tes
t of all-or-none recall. Two experiments are reported, both conditions
of the same design and using the same pictorial stimuli. The first an
alysis looks at errors and seeks to discover interactions within seque
nces of responses. There are two stages involved. First, the most like
ly sources of each answer are indentified and classified according to
a number of different categories of interest. Second, there is a stati
stical evaluation of the frequency with which these different categori
es occur. This analysis reveals: (a) the systematic recall of previous
errors; and (b) that guesses comprising a pair of elements from the s
ame (incorrect) stimulus occur more frequently than is expected by cha
nce. Both processes have a systematic effect upon the pattern of corre
ct guesses which is not predicted by the models of guessing commonly u
sed. A model of cued recall is presented which combines the Fragmentat
ion Hypothesis (including the assumption of all-or-none recall) with a
model of guessing which hypothesises that a proportion of guesses act
also as implicit cues for recall. This ''memory checking'' model of g
uessing is shown to predict the observed processes in guessing well. O
verall, the combined model shows a satisfactory fit to the data, provi
ding support for the all-or-none assertion. However, it is shown that
a small proportion of inconsistent patterns of recall cannot be explai
ned by the guessing model, and a low level of recall failure and forge
tting is proposed. The recall of fragments is therefore closely approx
imated by all-or-none recall, but cannot be exactly so.