A novel widely expressed type of myosin (fifth unconventional myosin f
rom rat: myr 5) from rat tissues, defining a ninth class of myosins, w
as identified, The predicted amino acid sequence of myr 5 exhibits sev
eral features not found previously in myosins. The myosin head domain
contains a unique N-terminal extension and an insertion of 120 amino a
cids at a postulated myosin-actin contact site, Nevertheless, myr 5 is
able to bind actin filaments in an ATP-regulated manner, The head dom
ain is followed by four putative light chain binding sites. The tail d
omain of myr 5 contains a region which coordinates two atoms of zinc f
ollowed by a region that stimulates GTP hydrolysis of members of the r
as-related rho subfamily of small G-proteins. Myr 5 therefore provides
the first direct link between rho GTPases which have been implicated
in the regulation of actin organization and the actin cytoskeleton, It
is also the first unconventional myosin for which a tail binding part
ner(s), namely members of the rho family, has been identified.