This paper describes a procedure for quantifying and compensating for
angular offsets and slow-varying drifts associated with a flux-gate ma
gnetometer onboard a spinning spacecraft. Such magnetometers have been
flown on numerous spacecraft such as IMP-8, DE-1, and ISTP/GEOTAIL, a
nd similar instruments are currently proposed to fly on the ISTP/WIND
spacecraft. Consequently, slight geometric misalignment of the sensor
from their chosen axes will create errors in the measured signal. Thes
e misalignments can be quantified using perturbation theory and compen
sated in the data analysis process. The technique is applicable to mag
netometers on spinning spacecraft. Also, over long time periods, the m
agnetometer will develop slight drifts in the electronic components, a
nd these too can be quantified in the data analysis process. We shall
discuss a technique that quantifies and compensates for such perturbat
ions from the measurements. The technique has been successfully applie
d for the last sixteen years to IMP-8 magnetometer data and more curre
ntly to the GEOTAIL magnetometer data, and can be applied in a general
way to measurements from any magnetometer onboard a spinning spacecra
ft. Further improvements in the technique will also be discussed.