Blair and Pollak (Econometrica (1982) 50: 931-943) prove that, if ther
e are more alternatives than individuals, then, for every arrovian bin
ary decision rule that is acyclic, there is at least one individual wh
o has a veto power over a critical number of pairs of alternatives. If
the number of individuals is larger than the number of alternatives,
there need not be single vetoers but there could be small coalitions e
ndowed with a similar power. Kelsey (Soc Choice Welfare (1985) 2: 131-
137) states precise results in this respect. In this paper, we first g
ive a new and much simpler proof of the main result of Blair and Polla
k and complete proofs of the generalization of this result by Kelsey.
Then we give a precise answer as to the minimum size of the coalitions
that must have a veto power under any acyclic binary decision rule an
d the minimum number of pairs of alternatives on which these coalition
s may exercise their power. We also show that, if the veto power of th
e coalitions of the minimal size attainable under the last objective i
s limited to the minimum number of pairs of alternatives, then all lar
ger coalitions have a veto power on all pairs. All the results are obt
ained by appealing to an acyclicity condition found by Ferejohn and Fi
shburn (J Econ Theory (1979) 21: 28-45). In the case of symmetric and
monotonic binary decision rules, proofs are even easier and illustrate
clearly the reasons for the veto power.