A model of the chemoreceptor mediated control of breathing is analysed
. Hypoxia is simulated as low equilibrium arterial oxygen both at alti
tude and at sea level. Conditions for stable and unstable equilibria a
re examined. Transition to instability leads to periodic breathing and
the model predicts that this can cause arterial oxygen to oscillate a
symmetrically about the equilibrium in some cases, causing the average
to rise. Periodic forcing functions have been applied to cerebral blo
od flow with the same effect on arterial oxygen. Such asymmetric oscil
lations leading to enhanced oxygenation have been observed in pulse ox
ymeter recordings from elderly postoperative patients. This may be imp
ortant in interpreting studies of unstable breathing patterns and thei
r possible relation to morbidity or mortality in infants (e.g. SIDS) a
nd in the elderly (e.g. sleep apnoea, postoperative hypoxia). Periodic
breathing could act as a protective adaptation to counteract pre-exis
ting hypoxia.