Despite the problems of interpreting epidemiological studies and the d
ifficulty in developing appropriate animal models, there is growing ev
idence that moderate habitual physical activity can protect against ce
r tain types of neoplasm, particularly tumors of the colon and the fem
ale reproductive tract. Exercise programs also appeal to have a benefi
cial influence on clinical course, at least in the early stages of the
disease. Recent demonstration of exercise-induced changes in the acti
vity of macrophages, natural killer cells, lymphokine activated killer
cells, neutrophils, and regulating cytokines suggest that immune-modu
lation may contribute to the protective value of exercise. Depression
of immune function, such as in HIV infection and in old age, is associ
ated with an enhanced susceptibility to tumors; but the sites of tumor
igenesis in HN infection are not those that gain protection from physi
cal activity. Further reseal ch is thus needed before it can be assert
ed that favorable exercise-induced changes in immune function have a m
aterial influence on the risks posed by various types of cancer.