This study concerns numerical simulations carried out following the el
aboration of an oceanological multidomain model. These simulations dem
onstrate the value of such a model for physical oceanography. A simpli
fied, two-domain version of the multidomain model is presented. It is
based on a computer code which solves the Navier-Stokes and temperatur
e equations in the three dimensions of space for an incompressible flu
id in accordance with the hydrostatic approximation and Boussinesq's a
ssumption. This model permits a zoom on a specific region of the spati
al domain, where the primitive equations are solved, with a mesh refin
ement, in order to correct by feedback the global numerical solution.
It includes a nested procedure which manages the resolution of the dif
ferential problem on two domains. This technique of domain decompositi
on forms part of the numerical methods of domain refinement with full
overlapping. The model is tested by the simulation of a barotropic mod
on, an analytic solution, of the quasigeostrophic potential vorticity
equation, adequately representative of an oceanic vortex. The numerica
l solutions obtained with the monodomain and bidomain model are compar
ed with each other by calculation of the errors commited in the two ca
ses relative to the analytic solution. It appears that this interactiv
e nested technique permits correct management of open boundaries condi
tions. The zoom performed on a region of the spatial domain efficientl
y corrects the global solution compared with that obtained by the basi
c monodomain model.