Most parameters which constitutes the statistical profile are related
to the record selectivity. To estimate record selectivity factors, the
nonparametric are better than parametric methods in that they make no
a priori assumptions concerning the data distribution and generally p
rovide accurate results. Nonparametric methods are classified into the
usual scale-based methods, which function by the scaling of attribute
ranges, and analytic methods discussed in this paper, which are scale
independent. Our analytic method is based on the computation of a set
of parameters, the so-called Canonical Coefficient, which enable the
multivariate distribution of the data to be well known. Based on the c
anonical coefficients, the main parameters of database statistical pro
files can be easily defined and efficiently calculated (in terms of co
mputation time and estimation accuracy). In addition, some important a
pplications, which are of peculiar interest to statistical database sy
stems can be developed. Experimental results on real databases are pre
sented which demonstrate the versatility and reliability of the analyt
ic approach.