A monoclonal antibody to an antigen (EBA) expressed by neural endothel
ial cells (EC) was used to investigate any difference in the distribut
ion of EBA between the CNS and PNS. Pre-embedding ultrastructural cyto
chemistry of rat sciatic and optic nerves was undertaken using anti-EB
A, detected with a silver-enhanced gold-conjugated secondary antibody.
LM immunocytochemical localisation of EBA was also performed using an
HRP-conjugated secondary antibody. EC of pial and parenchymal optic n
erve vessels were strongly immunopositive for EBA. Vessels of the dura
were negative. At the EM level EBA was observed on the EC luminal sur
face. In contrast, EC of sciatic nerve were either negative or only we
akly immunopositive. The molecular characteristics and function of EBA
are largely unknown. Therefore the functional significance of the pre
sent findings remains to be determined.