The divergent plate boundary in Iceland consists of more than two doze
n systems where most of the volcano-tectonic activity takes place. At
the surface the volcanic systems are characterised by 5-20-km-wide and
40-100 km-long swarms of tension fractures (similar to 10(2) m long),
normal faults (similar to 10(3) m long) and volcanic fissures. The Ho
locene fissure swarms are confined to less than 10,000-year-old basalt
ic lava flows, mostly pahoehoe, occurring near the centre of the activ
e rift zone. In any particular swarm, the number of tension fractures
exceeds that of normal faults. All tension fractures and normal faults
are vertical at the surface, indicating that the surface parts were g
enerated by an absolute tension. In addition to a fissure swarm, many
volcanic systems have a central volcano some of which have developed c
ollapse calderas. In the late Tertiary and Pleistocene lava pile of Ic
eland, extinct volcanic systems are represented by local sheet swarms
and regional dyke swarms. The sheet swarms are normally circular or sl
ightly elliptical, several kilometres in radius, and are confined to t
he extinct central volcanoes. Many swarms are associated with large pl
utons, exposed at 1-2 km depth beneath the initial top of the rift zon
e and presumably the uppermost parts of extinct crustal magma chambers
, and in short traverses up to 90% of the rock may consist of sheets.
The sheets have a very variable strike, dip on average 45-65 degrees,
mostly towards the centre of the associated volcano, and have an avera
ge thickness of about 1 m. The regional dykes occur outside central vo
lcanoes in swarms that are commonly 50 km long and 5-10 km wide. In se
veral-kilometre-long traverses, commonly 1-5% of the rock consist of d
ykes but occasionally as much as 15-28%. Most regional dykes are subpa
rallel and subvertical. The average dyke thickness in the Pleistocene
swarms is less than 2 m but 4-6 m in the Tertiary swarms. While active
, the volcanic systems in the rift zone are supplied with magma from r
eservoirs located at the depth of 8-12 km at the boundary between the
crust and upper mantle. The reservoirs are partially molten, with tota
lly molten top regions, and of cross-sectional areas similar to those
of the volcanic systems that they feed. Some active volcanic systems,
especially those that develop central volcanoes, high-temperature area
s and calderas, have, in addition to the deep-seated magma reservoirs,
shallow crustal magma chambers, located at 1-3 km depth, which, in tu
rn, are fed by the deeper magma reservoirs. It is proposed that the re
gional dyke swarms are supplied with magma largely from the deep-seate
d reservoirs, whereas the local sheet swarms are mainly fed from the a
ssociated crustal magma chambers. Because the volume of a crustal cham
ber is less than that of its deeper source reservoir, a single magma f
low (dyke intrusion) from the reservoir may trigger tens of magma flow
s (sheet intrusions) from the chamber, which is one explanation for th
e enormous number of sheets associated with many central volcanoes. Th
e sheets follow the stress trajectories of the local stress fields aro
und the source chambers, whereas the regional stress field associated
with the divergent plate movements controls the emplacement of the reg
ional dykes. It is suggested that many dykes develop as self-affine (s
ome as self-similar) structures. When applied to the Krafla volcanic s
ystem in northern Iceland, model calculations suggest that a magma flo
w from the Krafla reservoir, with regional dyke formation, should occu
r, on average, once every several hundred years, and that tens of shee
ts might be injected from the shallow Krafla chamber and triggered by
a single magma flow from the Krafla reservoir. These results are in br
oad agreement with the available data.