The GenBank sequence database incorporates DNA sequences from all avai
lable public sources, primarily through the direct submission of seque
nce data from authors and from large-scale sequencing projects, Data e
xchange with the EMBL Data Library and the DNA Data Bank of Japan help
s ensure comprehensive coverage, GenBank continues to focus on quality
control and annotation while expanding data coverage and retrieval se
rvices, An integrated retrieval system, known as Entrez, incorporates
data from the major DNA and protein sequence databases, along with gen
ome maps and protein structure information, MEDLINE abstracts from pub
lished articles describing the sequences are also included as an addit
ional source of biological annotation, Sequence similarity searching i
s offered through the BLAST family of programs, All of NCBI's services
are offered through the World Wide Web, In addition, there are specia
lized server/client versions as well as FTP and e-mail sewer access.