The distribution of heavy metal was analyzed in water column particles
collected in autumn (October 1985) and spring (March 1986) by two ser
ies of sediment traps from a mooring located in the northeastern Medit
erranean Sea continental slope. Four traps were set, at 50, 100, 300,
600 m depths on the mooring in 645 m deep water in the Lacaze-Duthier
canyon. The total metal concentrations were determined by ICP-MS. Resu
lts show that Rb and Sc contents display typical shale values. As, Cd,
Pb, Sb, Zn, (normalized to Sc) display high enrichment factors (up to
50) over shale compositions. Distinctive temporal variability as well
as the respective contributions of local (Tet, Aude) and remote (Rhon
e) rivers and Sahara-derived aerosols have been identified. Fluxes of
most elements observed in the upper 100 m can be attributed to atmosph
eric fluxes. In the deepest traps (300 and 600 m) these fluxes are, ho
wever, mostly dominated by riverine particles advected from the contin
ental shelf. Most of the trace-element enrichments are more likely to
be related to the anthropogenic input, rather than to biological cycli
ng. Isotopic composition of lead determined by ICP-MS enabled to evalu
ate that the proportion of anthropogenic lead derived from European ga
soline consumption ranged between 50 and 100%.