The authors factor analyzed the test items for each of the 13 personal
ity scales of the MCMI-II, using a sample of 1,229 men and women psych
iatric patients. The scree test and an apriori determination of the nu
mber of factors that were theoretically expected was used in choosing
the number of factors. The 13 analyses generated from one to five fact
ors depending on the scale. The factors, the labels proposed for those
factors, and the actual test items loading on the factors are offered
. The authors discuss each of the scales in terms of factors obtained.
The information demonstrated that the MCMI-II generally provides a lo
yal reflection of Millon's conceptualization of the personality in ter
ms of the factors that should be present in the different scales. Cont
ent of the factors, for instance, closely matched Millon's personality
prototype descriptions in five of the eight areas that have been stip
ulated. Interpersonal aspects of Millon's theory were also well suppor
ted by the factorial structure. However, Millon's stipulations concern
ing unconscious mechanisms, internalized content, and intrapsychic org
anization were not well represented. The work has practical value sinc
e it helps with the interpretation of scale elevations obtained by par
ticular patients.