Studies of the sequelae of head injury suggest that cochlear and vesti
bular dysfunctions comprise some of the most frequently reported delay
ed complications following head trauma. To date, little attention has
been given to the relation between post-traumatic subjective symptoms
of dizziness and the objective measures of postural stability or balan
ce. The purpose of this study was to quantify the balance deficits in
individuals who had developed symptoms of dizziness following mild hea
d and whiplash injuries. The balance abilities of 29 patients, who dev
eloped dizziness following some type of mild head or whiplash injury,
were compared to those of 51 healthy symptom-free subjects. Balance wa
s assessed by examining the center-of-pressure movements, in the anter
ior-posterior and medial-lateral directions, and the total movement di
splacement. The isolated contributions of visual and somatosensory inp
uts were estimated by comparing the magnitudes of the center-of-pressu
re movements for the various sensory conditions. Data were collected f
rom three 30-second trials of each combination of three visual conditi
ons (accurate, absent, and inaccurate) and two somatosensory condition
s (accurate and inaccurate), with the patient standing on a fixed-forc
e platform. Univariate analyses of variance indicated that the group w
ith head injury, compared to the control group, exhibited significantl
y greater anterior-posterior movements in four of the six sensory cond
itions and greater total movement displacement during the inaccurate v
ision/inaccurate somatosensation condition. These data suggest that pa
tients who have sustained head or neck trauma exhibit increased relian
ce on accurate visual input and are unable to utilize internal vestibu
lar orienting information to resolve conflicting information from the
visual and somatosensory systems.