This case report describes a lethal complication of retrograde air ins
ufflation through the Eustachian tube after myringotomy. A 35-year-old
woman presented with otalgia and hearing loss in her left ear, which
had occurred after an upper respiratory infection. Otoscopy showed a m
iddle ear effusion. A myringotomy was performed under mask anesthesia
in a private clinic. During subsequent retrograde Eustachian tube insu
fflation, the patient experienced sudden convulsions, followed by card
iac and respiratory arrest. The patient then died some hours later fro
m generalized cardiac and circulation break-down in the intensive care
unit of a nearby hospital. The cause of the cardiac and circulation c
ollapse could not be defined completely, but it is believed than an an
atomical variant of the tegmen tympani was responsible for the tragic
outcome because of an air embolus.