Butler groups are torsion-free abelian groups which - in the infinite
rank case - can be defined in two different ways. One definition requi
res that all the balanced extensions of torsion groups by them are spl
itting, while the other stipulates that they admit continuous transfin
ite chains (with finite rank factors) of so-called decent subgroups. T
his paper is devoted to the three major questions for Butler groups of
infinite rank: Are the two definitions equivalent? Are balanced subgr
oups of completely decomposable torsion-free groups always Butler grou
ps? Which pure subgroups of Butler groups are again Butler groups? In
attacking these problems, a new approach is used by utilizing N0-preba
lanced chains and relative balanced-projective resolutions introduced
by Bican and Fuchs [5]. A noteworthy feature is that no additional set
-theoretical hypotheses are needed.