Sedimentary minerals are generally metastable phases that, given time
and changing environmental conditions, recrystallize to more stable ph
ases. The actual pathway of stabilization is governed by a host of kin
etic factors. Unfortunately, much of the theoretical and experimental
work on thermodynamic and kinetic behavior of sedimentary minerals eit
her has not reached field practitioners in sedimentary petrology, or h
as been conducted under conditions that are difficult to extrapolate t
o natural sedimentary environments. In this paper we review and presen
t new data on the basic crystal chemistry, thermodynamic and kinetic p
roperties of calcite, dolomite, apatite, and biogenic silica, and disc
uss the relevance of these data to the solution of geological and geoc
hemical problems. The crystal chemistry and structure of a given magne
sian calcite exert a fundamental control on its solubility and solid s
olution behavior, and this control can be seen most clearly through co
mparison of synthetic and biogenic phases. Thus, variations in crystal
chemistry and structure, through solubility control during diagenesis
, yield a range of possible stabilization pathways, whose documentatio
n is the domain of much field-based study. Experimental work involving
dolomite has focused on delineation of phase relations in dry and aqu
eous systems at moderate to high temperatures, determination of reacti
on pathways followed during dolomitization of calcium carbonate, and m
easurement of reaction rate. Uncertainties reside in the relevance of
these data to the classic problem of low-temperature dolomite formatio
n. We suggest that the effort must now focus on designing experimental
systems that effectively mimic natural environments, and yield reacti
on rate data as a function of temperature and solution composition. Su
ch an example is presented. A primary goal in experimental work involv
ing carbonate fluorapatite has been an understanding of the mechanism
of formation of this mineral. We review the state of this knowledge; a
nd also present the results of ongoing dissolution rate experiments. T
he importance of this work is that it bears directly on the understand
ing of the role carbonate fluorapatite plays in the biogeochemical cyc
le of P in the oceans. Many factors influence the solubilities of opal
ine silica and the silica polymorphs, and solubility plays an importan
t role in controlling silica diagenesis. A model is presented that rel
ates changes in sediment properties including density and acoustic vel
ocity to the stages of silica diagenesis. The model is applied to sedi
ments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63. The discussions of the sedi
mentary phases calcite, dolomite, apatite, and biogenic silica in this
paper point to several directions for future experimental research on
sedimentary mineral-solution reactions. These include emphasis on: (1
) experimental studies of synthetic sedimentary mineral-solution react
ions to form a foundation for an understanding of natural mineral-solu
tion reactions; (2) experimental investigations of mineral reactions i
n aqueous solutions under conditions of composition, temperature, and
pressure similar to the natural conditions of mineral formation; and (
3) studies of the surface (as opposed to bulk) properties of sedimenta
ry minerals in aqueous solutions and their role in reactions governing
precipitation and dissolution of sedimentary phases.