Conductimetric CO2 analyzers provide an economical means of monitoring
and controlling carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) in plant growth
cabinets. When conductimetric CO2 analyzers are being used to measure
canopy CO2 uptake over a period and compare that with light received,
it is essential to know the time between an air sample leaving the can
opy and its [CO2] being registered by the analyzer. A four-way analysi
s of variance in three replicates of a split split-plot design was use
d to examine the response time of the conductimetric CO2 analyzers to
successive step changes in [CO2] (Delta[CO2]) from 200 to 400, 600, 80
0, and 1000 mu L L(-1), at temperatures of 10, 20, 30 and 40 degrees C
, at air flows rates of 540 1880 and 3700 mm(3) s(-1), and at water ho
w rates of 1.0, 0.66, and 0.33 mL s(-1). Response times ranged from 30
to 542 s across all treatments. Significant differences were observed
between individual conductimetric CO2 analyzers, with response time m
eans ranging from 99 to 145 s. Each analyzer, therefore, is unique and
must be recalibrated following a change in any one component. A signi
ficant water flow rate x temperature interaction was observed (respons
e time means ranged from 86 to 177 s). Comparing these response time m
eans to the 900-s sampling period indicates that an individual conduct
imetric CO2 analyzer will adjust to the new steady state following a c
hange in control within 9.5 to 20% of the sampling period. Only 1 data
record out of 96 within a diurnal cycle is lost if an alteration in t
he CO2 control set point for the plant growth cabinet is made. This da
ta loss is acceptable.