Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy was used t
o study changes in the polypeptide environment of the FeMo-cofactor th
at were elicited by amino-acid substitutions within the nitrogenase Mo
Fe protein alpha-subunit. A previous ESEEM study [Thomann et al. (1991
) Proc. Natl. Acad, Sci, U.S.A. 88, 6620] detected modulation arising
from nitrogen coupled to the S = 3/2 spin system of the FeMo-cofactor
(Fe7S9Mo:homocitrate). Such modulation was found to be sensitive to th
e substitution of alpha-195(His) by alpha-195(Asn) as indicated by who
le-cell ESEEM analysis of mutant strains from Azotobacter vinelandii.
Subsequent structural studies revealed that the alpha-195(His) residue
does not provide direct N-coordination to the cluster but is within h
ydrogen-bonding distance of one of a set of three sulfides that bridge
the FeMo-cofactor subcluster fragments. In the present work, the ESEE
M analysis is extended to both partially purified alpha-195(Asn) MoFe
protein and purified MoFe protein from an additional mutant strain in
which alpha-195(His) is replaced by alpha-195(Gln). The dramatic decre
ase in the intensity of the ESEEM signal resulting from the alpha-195(
Asn) substitution in whole cells was confirmed for the case of the iso
lated alpha-195(Asn) MoFe protein. In contrast, substitution of alpha-
195(His) by alpha-195(Gln) caused no detectable change in the modulati
on. Simulations of the alpha-195(His) and alpha-195(Gln) ESEEM data gi
ve quadrupole parameters of e(2)qQ = 2.2 MHz and eta = 0.5. Glutamine
and histidine have similar chain lengths from the cc-carbon to the pro
tonated nitrogen that could provide a hydrogen bond to the FeMo-cofact
or, whereas asparagine is shorter by one C-C bond and, therefore, cann
ot provide the putative hydrogen bond to the FeMo-cofactor under the c
onstraints of the current structural models, However, simulations show
that the ESEEM is quite sensitive to the electronic parameters of the
N-14 nuclei, and therefore it is highly unlikely that an identical ni
trogen modulation could arise from both an imidazole ring nitrogen pro
vided by alpha-195(His) and the glutamine amide group provided by alph
a-195(Gln). Thus, these results indicate that the observed nitrogen mo
dulation is not directly associated with the hydrogen bond provided by
alpha-195(His) but rather with the nitrogen moiety of a different res
idue whose proximity to the FeMo-cofactor is sensitive to certain subs
titutions at the alpha-195(His) position, The ESEEM data, which provid
e a delicate probe of the local structure of the FeMo-cofactor, do how
ever strongly suggest that either alpha-195(His) or alpha-195(Gln), bu
t not alpha-195(Asn), provides a hydrogen bond to FeMo-cofactor, This
interpretation is in line with biochemical characterizations showing t
hat both alpha-195(His) and alpha-195(Gln) MoFe proteins can bind Nz w
hereas the alpha-195(Asn) MoFe protein cannot. Thus, this information
provides a correlation of phenotypic, biochemical, and spectroscopic p
roperties of altered MoFe proteins produced by site-directed mutagenes
is and should be useful in assigning mechanistic importance to specifi
c structural features of the MoFe protein.