B. Vinciguerra et al., COMPARATIVE RESULTS OF TOTAL KNEE REPLACE MENT WITH OR WITHOUT PRESERVATION OF THE POSTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT, Revue de chirurgie orthopedique et reparatrice de l'appareil moteur, 80(7), 1994, pp. 620-625
Purpose of the study This study was undertaken to assess the functiona
l repercussion of retention or sacrifice of the posterior cruciate lig
ament in total knee replacement. Material Two homogeneous randomised s
eries of 24 cases were matched. They concerned primary total knee arth
roplasty for osteoarthritis using the same prosthetic design, In case
of sacrifice of the posterior cruciate ligament, the prosthesis includ
ed a substitution system constituting the only difference between the
two types of implants (the design of trochlea, femoral condyle and tib
ial plateau were identical). Methods Functional assessment was perform
ed according to the Hospital for Special Surgery score, at a minimal f
ollow up of 12 months. The Student ''t'' Test was used for statistical
analysis. Results In cases with posterior cruciate retention,the mean
HSS score was 86,6. In postero-stabilised cases. this score was 87,7:
a non significant difference. The mean range of flexion was 108 degre
es for the retaining cases versus 113 degrees for the postero-stabilis
ed ones: a non significant difference. Discussion The functional outco
me seems to be the same whether a postero-stabilised or a posterior cr
uciate retaining total knee prosthesis was used. The latter technique
requires more care for ligament balancing, tibial cuts and exposure. C
onclusion The authors believe that there is no benefit to expect at mi
d-term follow up from retaining the posterior cruciate ligament in tot
al knee replacement.