Detailed examination of daily rainfall data for India (and other relev
ant publications regarding severe rainstorms) show that during the las
t 110 years, the Indian region recorded 231 severe rainstorms. Of thes
e, 27 were of 2-day duration and the rest (204) were of 3-day duration
. Within a rainstorm, maximum rain fell on the 2nd day on 63% of occas
ions. It was also observed that the average raindepths obtained from s
low moving rainstorms were greater in magnitude than those of fast mov
ing rainstorms. All these rainstorms, during their movement through th
e country, had their rain centres at about 308 locations. This study h
as shown that only 19 locations recorded severe rainstorm centres on f
ive or more occasions. Maximum number of rain centres recorded for one
location was 13.