Records of sexual behaviour of 13 male alpacas (machos) and 97 female
alpacas (hembras) obtained during three spring (mid-October to early D
ecember, n=96) and four autumn (mid-February to March, n=98) joining p
eriods were analysed to determine the effects of season and other fact
ors on sexual behaviour. Joining was carried out by introducing one ma
cho to one hembra in a 5.5 mX7 m pen. In spring, there was a higher fr
equency of spitting, kicking, and threatening to spit by hembras, the
duration of pre-copulatory chases was longer, mating duration was shor
ter, and a lower percentage of hembras were mated, compared with autum
n joining periods (P<0.01). Sexually inexperienced hembras were more l
ikely to kick, and attempt to escape from the testing pen, but were le
ss likely to spit or threaten the macho, compared with experienced hem
bras (P<0.01). Sexual receptivity was related to the performance of sp
itting, threatening and kicking by hembras, as these behaviours reduce
d the likelihood of mating (P<0.001). It was concluded that season and
previous sexual experience affected female behaviour at joining, whic
h in turn affected mating activity. In addition, a negative relationsh
ip between the time elapsed since parturition of experienced hembras a
nd the likelihood of mating was found (P<0.001).