Complex volcano-tectonic structures, referred to as coronae, had not b
een described until the exploration of the surface of Venus. These lar
ge, generally circular structures are characterized by an elevated sur
face, concentric and radial fracture systems, and extensive volcanism.
Thought to be unique to Venus, rare circular features on Mars bear a
close resemblance to coronae. The most prominent corona-like feature o
n Mars is Alba Patera, a broad, low-relief, plateau-shaped volcano-tec
tonic center surrounded by an annulus of concentric fractures similar
to 600 km in diameter. A geophysical model for the formation of Venusi
an coronae involving uplift due to an ascending mantle diapir followed
by gravitationally driven relaxation is applied to Mars. The results
indicate that Alba Patera could have formed by such a mechanism. The f
ormation of coronae and corona-like features on Venus and Mars from ma
ntle diapirs suggests that similar structures may have formed in Earth
's lithosphere.