Lichen flora of southern Africa have been unexplored for a long time.
Biologists have attempted to work on lichen communities of southern Af
rica since 1770 though, much interest is drawn in various aspects of l
ichenology only in the recent years. First part of this paper deals wi
th an account of the lichenology in southern Africa since the time of
Linnaeus 1770 up to 1970 and is treated as historic account. Reference
s have been made to the work of Almborn (1966) for the historical tabu
lation of lichenological studies in this region. The subsequent parts
include a comprehensive list of research publications in lichenology a
rranged in alphabetical order since 1971. The major work in taxonomy,
morphology, anatomy, phytochemistry, ecology, distribution etc. of lic
hens from various parts of this peninsular region have taken place aft
er 1970 and therefore, they are treated as recent work. Recent studies
have shown that southern Africa represents a major centre of world di
stribution of lichens. In spite of the recent development, most parts
of southern Africa remain unexplored. There is a great scope for futur
e investigations in this field.