Technical limitations have restricted investigations of rhizosphere mi
neralogy. Various analytical techniques were applied to assess root-mi
neral associations and dynamics in natural soils under corn production
. Soil samples were collected between four and five weeks after planti
ng and included rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric soils, and undisturb
ed block samples containing corn root systems. Analytical techniques w
ere applied and included; X-ray diffraction, optical microscope, SEM,
EDXRA with SEM, transmission electron microscope (TEM), electron energ
y loss spectra with TEM, high-resolution transmission electron microsc
ope (HRTEM) and microanalysis with HRTEM. The mineralogy of the rhizos
phere differed from that of the bulk soil. Within the rhizosphere, min
ute platy particles which were mostly vermiculitic minerals, were part
icularly concentrated near or on root surfaces. These platy mineral pa
rticles were not attached to the entire area, but only to certain area
s of root surfaces. Therefore we report quantitative evidence for mine
ralogical changes in the rhizosphere in soil environments.