Six countries contributed to a data base covering macroseismic observa
tions from nine countries affected by the April 13, 1992 Roermond eart
hquake. Despite the diversity of data sources and variety of approache
s by researchers in the countries involved, particularly concerning as
pects of data acquisition and intensity assignment, a clear overall-pi
cture of the macroseismic effects could be achieved. An acceptable est
imate has been made of the following parameters: macroseismic focal de
pth h (= 18 km), intensity attenuation alpha (= 0.001), the 'theoretic
al' epicentral intensity I-0 (= 7.4) and the macroseismic local magnit
ude (= 5.6). For further study the complete macroseismic data base is
available as an ASCII-file on diskette.