Contributions to better control of flotation columns may come from imp
rovements in different areas: measurements, dynamic and functional mod
els, control strategies and control algorithms. Lack of process knowle
dge, specifically on transient behaviour and interaction among variabl
es, generally leads to low quality conventional distributed control an
d partially inhibits further improvements. In this work, discrete mult
ivariate dynamic models of operating variables were experimentally obt
ained in a pilot column and then arranged to build a dynamic simulator
prototype, for the air-water system. The main strategy was to use low
order dynamic models between every independent and dependent variable
, and to combine them linearly to predict the evolution of each variab
le of interest, by solving a set of difference equations. Given an ini
tial steady state (i.e. feed flowrate, wash water flowrate, openings o
f tailing and air valves, froth depth, gas holdup and bias), the progr
am running in a PC computer predicts the transient behaviour of the fr
oth depth, the gas holdup and the bias, under any disturbance introduc
ed in the independent variables over time. The program provides a frie
ndly user interface to follow on-line the trends on screen and to recr
eate the whole experience later on from data previously stored in hard
disk during the experiment Comparison of predicted and experimental r
esponses under different disturbances showed the effectiveness of the
simulator following the general trends, and where further work to incl
ude extreme nonlinear effects has to be done. The integration of dynam
ic process models and control algorithms in a computer program has pro
ved to be very useful in evaluating control strategies. `