Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) offers a powerful experim
ental tool for mapping activated cortical regions in man. Thereby, the
paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin in the red blood cells acts as an endoge
nous susceptibility contrast agent, which allows the noninvasive detec
tion of stimulus-induced transient changes in regional cerebral blood
flow and volume. Fifteen normal subjects were examined on a convention
al 1.5-T MR system to visualize cortical activation during the perform
ance of high-level cognitive tasks. A computer-controlled videoproject
or was employed to present psychometrically optimized activation parad
igms. Reaction times and error rates of the volunteers were acquired o
nline during stimulus presentation. The time course of cortical activa
tion was measured in a series of strongly T2-weighted gradient-echo i
mages from three or four adjacent slices. For anatomical correlation,
picture elements showing a stimulus-related significant signal increas
e were color-coded and superimposed on T1-weighted spin-echo images. A
nalysis of the fMRI data revealed a subtle (range 2-5%), but statistic
ally significant (P < 0.05) increase in signal intensity during the pe
riods of induced cortical activation. Judgment of semantic relatedness
of word pairs, for example, activated selectively cortical areas in l
eft frontal and left temporal brain regions. The strength of cortex ac
tivation in the semantic task decreased significantly in the course of
stimulus presentation and was paralleled by a decrease in the corresp
onding reaction times. With its move into the area of cognitive neuros
cience, fMRI calls both for the careful design of activation schemes a
nd for the acquisition of behavioral data. For example, brain regions
involved in language processing could only be identified clearly when
psychometrically matched activation paradigms were employed. The react
ion time data correlated well with selective learning and thus helped
to facilitate interpretation of the fMRI data sets.