Diabetic patients may experience fluctuations in whole blood glucose (
WBG) levels while receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) resulting
in seizure-like activity, Therefore, hyperbaric medical attendants mus
t accurately monitor the WBG levels of these patients during HBO, In a
ddressing this concern, this study evaluated the accuracy and reliabil
ity of commercially available glucometers (Glucometer M(+), Companion
2, HemoCue, One Touch II, and ExacTech Pen) in the hyperbaric environm
ent, WBG samples were prepared, ranging from 25 to 250 mg/dl, for test
ing glucometers at ground level and at 2.36 atmospheres absolute (ATA)
. It was noted that at 2.36 ATA, glucose values increased using the Gl
ucometer MC, but decreased with the Companion 2 and HemoCue, The One T
ouch II values decreased in the hyperglycemic ranges (>150 mg/dl), whe
reas the ExacTech Pen monitor readings increased in the hypoglycemic r
anges (<100 mg/dl). The accuracy of WBG monitors is significantly affe
cted by changes in atmospheric pressure.