Content of heavy metals (Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) in some macro
phytes from Curiose island and Aldabra atoll (Seichell Archipelago) wa
s studied by atomic absorbtion method. Macroalgae Sargassum oligocystu
m, Turbinaria ornata, Padina boryana, Halimeda incrassata, H. micrones
ica and sea-grass Thalassodendron ciliatum were investigated. Maximal
metal accumulation was observed for a specific group concentrator P. b
oryana. Fe/Mn ratio was 0.4 for Th. ciliatum and 2.84 for brown algae.
Sea-grass contains more Ni and less Zn than seaweeds. Different veget
ative organs of Th. ciliatum (stems, leaves, vaginas) differ in accumu
lative abilities. Copper (Th. ciliatum leaves) and zinc (ail vegetativ
e parts of plants) concentrations are higher in the lagoon than on the
reef-flat of Aldabra atoll. No metal contamination of the investigate
d region was detected.